Master programme Media Informatics (Version 2022)
The Master programme Media Informatics offers a comprehensive technical as well as application-oriented education with focus on multimedia and distributed systems.
Digital Media such as audio, video, text, image, animations as well as language and sensor technology provide a basis for application areas in media informatics. This includes production, management and distribution of media for the purpose of distributing information and communication.
This programme allows for the positioning of media computer scientists at the interface of human, media, and information and underlines the tasks of being an intermediary and link between these areas.
The programme Media Informatics qualifies graduates to independent processing of problems in commerce as well as in research.
At a glance
Duration: 4 semesters
Credits: 120 ECTS points
Degree: Master of Science (MSc)
Language of Instruction: English
Degree Programme Code: 935
Directorate of Studies: SPL 5 (Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik)
» Description of Qualifications
Description of qualifications
To be admitted to the master programme in Media Informatics, you need previous knowledge relevant to the field. You may prove the required knowledge by completing extension curricula (ECs).
These topics can be expected during your studies:
- Software Engineering
- Computer Graphics
- Digital Media Production
- Game Technologies
- Data Analysis
- Cloud Computing
- Project Management
- Multimedia Technologies
- Virtual Reality
- Pervasive Computing
- Game Design
- Semantic Technologies
- Distributed Systems
Insights into the study contents
Your studies consist of:
- focus on Advanced Software Engineering
- 2 guided project works
- focus on Research Methods
- specialisation can be selected:
- Digital Media Production Techniques
- Game Technologies
- elective modules (“Wahlmodulgruppen”) can be selected, for example:
- Image Synthesis
- Real Time Computer Graphics
- Image Processing & Image Analysis
- Multimedia Content Management
- Multimedia Retrieval and Content-Based Search
- Natural Language Processing
The Master programme Media Informatics is exclusively offered in English. It is therefore recommended to demonstrate » English language proficiency at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
- » View study contents for the Master programme Media Informatics
- » Read the Curriculum for Master programme Media Informatics
Der Weg durchs Studium
Alle Informationen zum allgemeinen Ablauf des Studiums
Die hier angeführten administrativen Schritte werden grundsätzlich von jedem Studierenden in folgender Reihenfolge abgewickelt:
How do I enrol?
You are interested in studying a Master programme at the University of Vienna and would like to register?
Your steps in the admission procedure depend on whether you have completed your previous degree programme at the University of Vienna or another university.
Description of qualifications
To be admitted to the master programme in Media Informatics, you need previous knowledge relevant to the field. You may prove the required knowledge by completing extension curricula (ECs). If you have completed the required ECs, upload your transcript of records at "Further documents and proofs" as document type "Description of qualifications" when applying for admission in u:space.
If you can not prove your previous knowledge by completing ECs, you have to provide a description of qualifications. This is a depiction of achievements that correspond to the required ECs, which you obtained before your application for admission
For details please see » requirements of qualification.
3. Masterarbeit und -prüfung
» Anmeldung der Masterarbeit & Themenfindung
» Bestätigung der absolvierten LVs einholen
» Approbation der Masterarbeit
Nach der erfolgreichen Absolvierung der Studieninhalte und einer positiven Beurteilung der Masterarbeit, kann die Anmeldung zur Masterprüfung vorgenommen werden.
» Infos rund um die Masterprüfung (Defensio)