Curriculum Master Media Informatics

The currently valid version of the Curriculum Master Media Informatics can be downloaded in full text below.

The legally binding version is only given by publication in the University of Vienna's newsletter (see Legal Basis)


Legal Basis

Publications in the bulletin ("Mitteilungsblatt") of the University of Vienna:

  1. Mitteilungsblatt UG2002, 2015/2016, 42. Stück vom 28.06.2016, Nr. 273
    Curriculum für das Masterstudium Medieninformatik
  2. Mitteilungsblatt UG2002, 2018/2019, 16. Stück vom 25.03.2019, Nr. 96
    1. Änderung des Curriculums für das Masterstudium Medieninformatik