Edgar Weippl is Research Director of SBA Research and head of the CD-Laboratory for Security and Quality Improvement in Production Systems Engineering. His research focuses on fundamental and applied research on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies and security of production systems engineering. He is on the editorial board of Elsevier’s Computers & Security journal (COSE), was PC chair of ESORICS 2015, general chair of ACM CCS 2016, PC Chair of SACMAT 2017 and is a Distinguished ACM Speaker.
After graduating with a Ph.D. from the TU Wien, Edgar Weippl worked in a research startup for two years. He then spent one year teaching as an Assistant Professor in the US. From 2002 to 2004, while with the software vendor ISIS Papyrus, he worked as a consultant in New York and in Frankfurt. In 2006 founded the research center SBA Research together with A Min Tjoa and Markus Klemen.