
Besetzt werden 3 offene Stellen für Hochschulassistent*innen (prae doc) & wissenschaftliche Projektmitarbeiter*innen (prae doc) in den Bereichen:



Paper accepted at KDD conference 2022

Our paper "The DipEncoder: Enforcing Multimodality in Autoencoders" has been accepted for presentation at KDD-22.

17.05.2022 13:30

Herzliche Einladung zum ersten CS-Colloquium des Jahres mit Prof. Shamir zum Thema "A New Theory of Adversarial Examples in Machine Learning." im HS1...


Talk: Liz Marai "Grounding Data Vis Theory on Real World Data & Problems” | May 16, 10:30, on site

Liz Marai from the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at University of Illinois is visiting our research group and will be giving a talk on...


Application deadline: May 16, 2022. All information about the supervisors, research projects and details about the application process.

25.04.2022 14:00

Einladung: Digital Entrepreneurship Innovation LAB | 25 April 2022, 14:00, via Zoom

On 25th April, Technology Transfer Managers are hosting an online event to launch the Digital iLAB, a new initiative of the University of Vienna that...