When: 12th of June 2018, 10.30am
Where: seminar room 2 (SR2), Währingerstrasse 29, 1090 Vienna
Data science is providing opportunities for researchers and industry to ask of data at scale. One of the important types of data is the graph or network. Networks encode relationships between entities: people in social network, genes in biological networks, similar content in a recommender system, and many others forms of data. The automatic processing of such networks is important to deal with data at scale, but effective means for interacting with this content is equally important. Visual network analytics provides a means for network analytics and visualisation to work together in an effective way, providing solutions to these problems. In this talk, I provide a summary of my contributions and recent advances on network sampling, in both time and space, towards this goal of scalable network analytics.
Daniel Archambault received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of British Columbia, Canada in 2008. He is currently a Senior Lecturer of Computer Science at Swansea University in the United Kingdom. During his post-doctoral studies at University College Dublin, he applied his expertise in information visualisation to help visualise the results of machine learning approaches, particularly in the area of social media visualisation. This work inspired him to co-chair the AAAI ICWSM Workshop on Social Media Visualisation (SocMedVis 2012 and 2013). His other areas expertise primarily lie in graph visualisation and drawing as well as perceptual factors in information visualisation.