May 18th, 2015 to Feb 26th, 2016: Sebastian Klaassen - internship at Los Alamos National Lab

Between May 2015 and February 2016 Sebastian Klaassen, former tutor and research assistant for the VDA group, has participated in an internship with the Data Science at Scale group of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).

Sebastian started as a student intern at the Summer School until September and got extended until February to work on his Master's thesis: A global view for Cinema image databases. In his work he created a viewer for large scale image databases and studied different ways of displaying large numbers of images on screen to aid image database exploration. In a process called visual mapping semantic meaning is assigned to image alignments allowing the user to inspect image properties through their relative locations on screen.Besides working with domain experts on some of the worlds fastest supercomputers and collaborating with other summer students from universities from all over the world, this internship offered field trips to the Rocky Mountains and Bandelier National Monument as well as an in depth look at LANLs intriguing history.

Sebastian continues work on his Master's thesis at the research group Visualization and Data Analysis here at the University of Vienna within the Media Informatics program.