CPEE Birthday News

On the 6th Feb. 2009, 6 years ago, the first commit to the CPEE (Cloud Process Execution Engine) source code repository took place, which makes this date the official birthday of the adaptive process execution engine of the workflow systems and technology group.

In the last 6 years 10 persons were actively involved in the development of the engine, and it was used in variety of national and international projects, e.g.,

  • ADVENTURE FP7 EU - Manufacturing Domain 
  • ACAPLAN FFG - Healthcare Domain
  • C3Pro FWF/DACH - Change in Choreographies

The engine also served as the basis for various prototypes and evaluations for scientific papers and journal articles. We are also proud that the engine proved increasingly useful as a teaching tool, to teach students about orchestration of distributed services, worklists, model transformation, event streams, and logging. The unique architecture of the CPEE, that relies on the usage of existing virtual machine technology, allowed us to create a flexible workflow engine, that

  • runs on all major operating systems and platforms (mobile phone to enterprise level hardware). 
  • could increase its performance 10 fold through improvements in the underlying virtual machine (independently of our efforts 
  • urrently uses less then 200 MiB Memory for 2000 typical processes 
  • is fully controllable through HTTP and XMPP 
  • has been downloaded more than 27.000 times 

Through additional videos, examples, and web-based tools, we continue to make process technology comprehensible and come alive.