Masterprüfung mit Defensio, Vidovic Filip

16.10.2018 15:00 - 16:30

„Animation of soft-looking Facial Skin and Muscle Movements“

In this master’s thesis a simple, constraint-based skin simulation for faces is presented, which is independent of face meshes or the way they were obtained. Furthermore, a muscle simulation presented as well, which deforms a face mesh in an efficient and simple manner. The basis for both simulations is the master’s thesis of Leon Beutl from 2011 and a paper written by Leon Beutl and Helmut Hlavacs in 2012. The approaches presented in these works had been revised and adapted with the goal of integrating it into a bigger project, namely a Virtual Reality conference room, in mind. In scope of this task, a showcase application was written to demonstrate the skin and muscle simulations, to examine the feasibility of a port from OGRE to Unity, as well as to highlight the difficulties which can be expected. Furthermore, to allow greater reusability, the mathematical calculations needed for the skin and muscle simulations had been detached from the showcase application, which will allow future projects to make use of the results of this thesis in a straightforward manner.




Besprechungsraum 4.34

Währinger Straße 29
1090 Wien