Masterprüfung mit Defensio, Tobias Pfaller

20.10.2021 13:30 - 15:00

"Software Variant Management Through Process Modeling And Enactment Integration"

Software vendors are confronted by their customers with high customizing requirements. The widely used practice of cloning and modifying software leads to an increasing number of vari- ants and thus to enormous maintenance difficulties in the long term. Therefore, this master thesis ”Software Variant Management Through Process Modeling And Enactment Integration” is about exploring architectural changes to monolithic software in order to enable process-based model-driven configuration. For this purpose, a framework Process-Based Mediation Configu- ration (PBMC) was developed, consisting of the following stages: (1) Identification of variable components, (2) extraction of variable components, (3) augmentation with process technology, (4) use of a new pattern Configurable Process Start to choose the process variants suitable for different customers during instantiation. To evaluate PBMC, (1) a sample process has been implemented in a real-world scenario (in cooperation with a company partner), (2) an independent evaluation with existing approaches has been conducted, and (3) a prototypical implementation has been developed.



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