Masterprüfung mit Defensio, Tkacik Michal

13.11.2018 10:00 - 11:30

„Versioning and Evolution in Process-aware Information Systems“

In this thesis, I present a semantic merging algorithm for Business Process Models (BPM) that enables a widespread use of version control systems in the eld of business process modeling. The proposed algorithm is not just a linear textual merge (as most generic merge tools are) but makes use of many semantic aspects of BPM in order to maximize the number of automatically resolved con icts and thus to improve the eciency of the algorithm. In a publicly available1 testset of 5792 test cases, my semantic merging algorithm has shown 81% of correctly merged instances and only 19% with unresolved con icts (that need manual human resolving) compared to a generic merging algorithm with only 31% of correctly merged instances and 68% unresolved con icts (and 1% of other cases).




Besprechungsraum 4.34

Währinger Straße 29
1090 Wien