Masterprüfung mit Defensio, Tagwerker Katharina

23.11.2018 14:00 - 15:30

„The impacts of gamification and social networking on motivation“

Gami cation is described as the implementation of game-like elements in non-game contexts, e.g. education or instruction, to make learning a more enjoyable activity. Game elements can appear in the form of a reward system with points, achievements and virtual items, a leaderboard that shows the most successful players, clearly de ned rules, time restraints or the ability to fail and try again. To test the e ectivity of gami cation, a math learning platform for students aged 10 to 14 has been developed that implements several game elements and a social network. 61 Austrian students could exercise with the platform and then take part in a survey. It turned out that in this case, gami cation and social networking had a large positive impact on motivation and self-con dence.




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