Masterprüfung mit Defensio, Stoffregen Jan Clemens

29.10.2018 13:15 - 14:45


High performance architectures become more and more heterogeneous. A user of this architecture has to know different programming languages to use all devices in parallel. Often specialised programmers are asked to develop routines for parts of the architecture. This thesis provides a brief overview at first of technologies that address the programmability of heterogeneous architectures. Afterwards, this thesis defines needs of a holistic workflow and of a holistic software architecture with the help of which software is developed by a specialist for an end user which can be steadily extended for additional hardware in a heterogeneous high performance computing architecture. As an experimental software approach, the developed framework aims at optimising embarrassingly parallel parts of the code referring to individually chosen parameters, for example the throughput of the code. Targeted architectures consist of a single node and attached devices which, by using the framework, process data stored in shared memory segments in parallel. Furthermore, software architectural aspects and extensions will be discovered and described which satisfy major needs of the participating stakeholders in such an environment, such as the user of the code as well as the maintainer of the architecture. With the help of experiments the functionality of HybChive will be demonstrated and possible limiting aspects and future directions will be discussed. The thesis will develop a prototype of the HybChive – framework.




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