Masterprüfung mit Defensio, Starflinger Stefan

08.10.2018 15:00 - 16:30

A Blockchain Enabled WS Agreements Framework

The increase in the supply of on-demand computing resources and the ever-growing number of internet capable devices calls for a new approach in provisioning cloud computing resources. Through trustless multi-round bilateral negotiation, we present an alternative to the current ’off the shelves’ approach. Much research has gone into Service Level Agreements (SLAs), from how they are defined, negotiated, and monitored to how they evolve. However, seeing as how trust is a necessity for SLA negotiations, researchers have not focused on ways to remove the need for trust. We demonstrate that an agreement between a consumer and a provider can be reached, without either having to trust the other. We spotlight a method, which lets consumers and providers negotiate for cloud resources. Our focus lies on storing negotiation offers and the resulting agreement in a Blockchain. That way, agreements are tamper proof, and their provenance is evident. This work opens the doors for integrating smart contracts into the negotiation and agreement process. As an example we implemented a referee that can characterize the quality of a service by detecting discrepancies between the terms described in the SLA, and the actual values provided. We found that negotiating over the Blockchain is still expensive, but the additional security implications are promising.




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