Masterprüfung mit Defensio, Gerald Honegger

07.07.2021 15:00 - 16:30

„Toward a Blockchain based Business Decision Support System using a Cloud Blockchain Eco-System“

Implementing a tamper-proof, transparent, consistent, deterministic and privacy-focused eVoting system is vital for Business Decision Support Systems. Historically, governments, institutions as well as their members themselves have been reluctant to allow users to take part in electronic, online decisions to vote for important decisions. In my thesis, we will propose an organisation software which will not only allow its users to cast their vote, but to also sign up for events. There are different roles of users handled by the distributed application. Organizers are able to create votings and events, as well as having the same functionalities of the members to vote and sign up to events. A mechanism of counting one vote per Ethereum wallet address will be used in the private blockchain, with only previously registered users receiving access to the network. This way, the correctness of the results will be guaranteed. Among other technical measures, cloud services are used to ensure the privacy of users and their voting decisions from third parties. Costs of the cloud service prices, which arise while running the blockchain in the cloud, are recorded and analyzed. Using a DApp implementation in the cloud, a secure and userfriendly decision-making system can be implemented.



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