Start for Doctoral School Computer Science (DoCS)


The new Doctoral School of the Faculty of Computer Science (DoCS) starts this winter semester 2020/21. The Doctoral School DoCS provides a more advanced framework for the promotion of outstanding quality in research and the education of doctoral students.

In addition to an active and inspiring research environment, doctoral students are offered numerous opportunities to get in touch with peers from home and abroad on a social and professional level.

The DoCS offers prospective students a variety of advantages:

  • Financing of travel expenses for trips to conferences
  • Intensive doctoral programme tailored to the academic needs of students in small thematic groups Mentoring and peer coaching activities
  • Summer Schools and Retreats
  • Short-term research stays at relevant international locations (Secondments)
  • Performance-related contract extensions for doctoral students in justified situations on a competitive basis
  • Guest lecturers and external mentors
  • Other measures, such as support for the implementation of initiatives created by doctoral students

The DoCS is headed by Univ. Prof. Dr. Uwe Zdun. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Helmut Hlavacs is deputy spokesman and head of the doctoral programme (DSPL).

Prospective students can find further information on the DoCS website about the research topics, curriculum & courses and application.