Two Full Professorships and Two Tenure-Track Professorships Open for Applications

The University of Vienna seeks to fill several positions: At the Faculty of Computer Science, a Full Professorship in 'Communication Technologies' as well as Tenure-Track Professorships in the fields of 'Responsible Computing' and 'Business Informatics'; at the Faculty of Computer Science and the Centre for Teacher Education, a Full Professorship in 'Didactics of Computer Science'.

At the Faculty of Computer Science, the University of Vienna seeks to appoint a

Full Professor of Communication Technologies

The position

The Faculty of Computer Science is looking for an outstanding computer scientist who pursues research in the area of future communication networks. Research focus areas of interest include, but are not limited to: theory of communication networks, architecture and protocols of communication networks (including wireless and mobile networks), network resilience and sustainability, future-oriented application scenarios of communication networks. The successful candidate has an excellent track record in terms of publications in relevant top publication venues, in terms of acquiring third party funding as well as in terms of teaching experience.

Reference no.: 001/2025, CommTech
Application deadline: 15 April 2025

» See the full announcement


At the Faculty of Computer Science, the University of Vienna seeks to appoint a

Tenure-Track Professor in the field of Responsible Computing

The position

Responsible computing involves the ethical, safe, and conscientious use of computer systems, algorithms, data, and data-driven models. We are looking for applicants with a strong background in Computer Science and an excellent research record in responsible computing, as documented by publications in relevant top venues (such as ACM CHI, ACM FAccT, ACM AIES, NeurIPS, ICML, AAAI, the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies or the ACM Journal on Responsible Computing) and by successful acquisition of research grants. We strive to strengthen interdisciplinarity, e.g., at the intersection of computer science and the social sciences, the humanities, or philosophy, and are therefore particularly interested in candidates with demonstrated interest and experience in inter/transdisciplinary research in responsible computing. Relevant research focus areas include, but are not limited to: ethical, affective, environmental or societal aspects of information technology and of the digital transformation, human-centered computing, technology for the public good, critical data studies; interpretability, explainability, and transparency of AI/ML; trustworthy algorithmic decision systems.

​Application deadline: 03/25/2025
Reference no.: 3707

» See the full announcement


At the Faculty of Computer Science, the University of Vienna seeks to appoint a

Tenure-Track Professor in the field of Business Informatics

The position

We are looking for an outstanding scientist with a strong track record in the area of Business Informatics and a strong background in Computer Science. Special subareas of interest include, but are not limited to: intelligent information systems, enterprise database technology, machine learning or data mining for business applications, process mining/process analysis, blockchain-based systems, modeling and formalization of domain-specific knowledge, model-based software aspects, explainability, security, trust and transparency, as well as information systems architectures. Research activities are expected to contribute to the transdisciplinary intersection of computer science with business applications.

​Application deadline: 03/25/2025
Reference no.: 3706

» See the full announcement


At the Faculty of Computer Science and the Centre for Teacher Education, the University of Vienna seeks to appoint a

Full Professor of Didactics of Computer Science

The position

We are looking for an engaged scientist in the area of didactics of computer science and basic digital education, potentially with a background in related fields, such as educational technologies, digital media education, design thinking, human-AI interaction, human-centered digital technology development, and digital/AI competencies.

The successful candidate will contribute to research and teaching, developing and implementing outstanding didactic approaches for the school subjects “Informatik” and “Digitale Grundbildung” (basic digital education) The role includes contributions to the Faculty’s Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral programs, with a focus on the teacher education program (Bachelor / Master).

In alignment with computing education, research is expected in relevant areas, including (but not limited to) computational thinking, digital empowerment, programming, data science, human-machine interfaces, learning analytics, teacher education, and AI, with a demonstrated commitment to fostering motivating, technology-enhanced, inclusive, equitable, and gender-sensitive learning environments.

Reference no.: 002/2025, Didactics-CS
Application deadline: 15 April 2025

» See the full announcement

[Translate to Englisch:] Space for Personalities