Awards for faculty members

As part of the faculty event in 2019, numerous employees received awards for their achievements. The Faculty of Computer Science congratulates!

All award winners by categories

Third-Party-Funding Period 2014 – 2018
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Monika Henzinger
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Uwe Zdun
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Math. oec. Dr. Stefanie Rinderle-Ma

Successfully Acquired Project Funds 2018
Dipl.-Math. Dipl.-Inform. Dr. Christian Schulz
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Math. Dr. Peter Reichl
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Math. oec. Dr. Stefanie Rinderle-Ma
Univ.-Prof. Torsten Möller, PhD

A/B Publication Strategy Period 2018 (Gruppe Prof./Habilitierte)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmid
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Monika Henzinger
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Math. oec. Dr. Stefanie Rinderle-Ma

A/B Publication Strategy Period 2018 (Gruppe PostDoc)
Dipl.-Math. Dipl.-Inform. Dr. Klaus-Tycho Förster
Dipl.-Math. Dipl.-Inform. Dr. Christian Schulz
Dipl.-Wirtsch.Inf. Univ. Dr. Dominik Bork

A/B Publication Strategy Period 2018 (Gruppe PraeDoc)
Gramoz Goranci, M.Sc.
Alexander Noe, M.Sc.
Mahmoud Parham, B.Sc. MSc
Srdjan Stevanetic, MSc
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Svozil, BSc


All photos of the faculty event 2019 can be found » here.