Masterprüfung mit Defensio, Pressler Christoph

30.03.2021 11:00 - 12:00

Developing a Framework for the Creation of Virtual Reality Experiment and Therapy Applications

The recent increase of interest by the general public in virtual reality headsets has led to many technological advancements in this area. Two of the areas potentially profiting from these advancements are psychology research and phobia therapy, since virtual reality allows users to enter scenarios which would be difficult or impossible to create in the real world and which are more realistic and immersive than conventional computer applications. One of the main challenges in using virtual reality in these scenarios is the application creation process. Users without deep technical knowledge are unable to create virtual reality environments. Employing developers to create them can be expensive and yield unsatisfactory results. This thesis proposes a new framework that allows for easier virtual reality therapy and psychology research application creation and that is usable by people without programming knowledge. This framework, called "Minogrid", simplifies the creation process into answering a number of single choice questions and installing the required software. It is shown that this solution can be operated by users without programming knowledge by a usability evaluation. During this evaluation eight participants each created their own virtual reality applications. This task was split into two scenarios and involved the participants filling in an afterscenario questionnaire after each and a post-study usability questionnaire at the end. Scores indicate that the participants were satisfied with the presented system as well as that it is useful and has a high information and interface quality.

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