CS-Colloquium mit Prof. Toru Ishida und Prof. Yohei Murakami

Am 26. Juni 2019 fand erneut ein CS-Colloquium statt. Dieses Mal zu Gast: Prof. Toru Ishida und Prof. Yohei Murakami aus Japan.

Die beiden aus Japan angereisten Professoren sprachen über die Möglichkeiten, durch den Einsatz von Technologien die multi-kulturelle Zusammenarbeit zu ermöglichen.


Intercultural collaboration, a subfield of social informatics, is a goal-directed group activity based on multilingual communication. We set its research target on collaboration, instead of communication, because we can clearly identify research issues when the goal of group activities is defined. To overcome language barriers and facilitate intercultural collaboration, we designed the Language Grid, which allows users to freely create language services from existing language resources and combine them to develop new services to develop their own communication environment. This talk explains the design concept and service architecture of the Language Grid together with our activity called YMC-Viet: a youth mediated communication project in Vietnam, where Japanese agricultural experts transfer knowledge to Vietnamese farmers in illiteracy regions. By integrating various services registered to the Language Grid, we realized a communication channel between experts and farmers via children to bridge the significant communication gaps including language, knowledge, culture and distance.