Masterprüfung mit Defensio, Pazour Patrick

29.08.2018 11:00 - 12:30

"Virtual Reality Conferencing"

The development and availability of immersive virtual reality devices has risen significantly in recent years. Combined with the latest milestones in computer graphics and the current motion tracking devices a certain feeling of presence inside the virtual world can be achieved which is aiming (or wishing) to be indistinguishable from the real world in the long term. Although this aspiration may be visionary at the present day, the possibilities of collaborative human interactions within a virtual reality system are already manifold. This master’s thesis focuses on the development and evaluation of a virtual reality conferencing application prototype supporting personalized user-based avatars for up to four persons joining remotely in a virtual conference room. The prototype has been evaluated in terms of the feeling of presence experienced inside the applications virtual environment. For the evaluation two groups of five people each were individually joining a presentation inside a virtual conference room hosted by a photogrammetrybased 3D avatar of their experiment supervisor. The first group was equipped with virtual reality headsets, while the second group participated the presentation in front of a computer monitor without headset. Afterwards the two groups were asked to complete a form based on the igroup presence questionnaire scale to measure the spatial presence, involvement and the sense of realness inside the virtual conference room. The results of the conducted experiments indicate a positive impact on the feeling of presence by users wearing virtual reality headsets as compared to the group without headsets.




Seminarraum 11 (SR11) W29

Währinger Straße 29
1090 Wien